Rajesh Hamal for the first time portrayed the role of female in the film Shakuntala. In Shakuntala Rajesh Hamal is featured as female in the film. Rajesh Hamal took five hours to become female by
doing makeup. Rajesh Hamal shares that it is really hard to become girl as it takes long time to do makeup. He also said that he realized now that why girls take always long time to get ready because doing makeup it takes hard. Rajesh Hamal also said in funny way that doesn’t ever try to portray the
role of girls as it is difficult to become girl. Watch an exclusive video where we have present you the video of makeup of Rajesh Hamal becoming female:
doing makeup. Rajesh Hamal shares that it is really hard to become girl as it takes long time to do makeup. He also said that he realized now that why girls take always long time to get ready because doing makeup it takes hard. Rajesh Hamal also said in funny way that doesn’t ever try to portray the
role of girls as it is difficult to become girl. Watch an exclusive video where we have present you the video of makeup of Rajesh Hamal becoming female:
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