New Special Court to try conflict era cases

Attorney General Raman Kumar Shrestha said his office had prepared draft bills relating to transitional justice, which proposed to establish a new Special Court based on the Sierra Leone

model.Shrestha told THT the draft bills propose two benches at the Special Court one with trial jurisdiction and another with appellate jurisdiction as happened in the conflict-hit African country.
He said in the Sierra Leone tribunal, the bench with trial jurisdiction had three judges, two appointed by the UN Secretary General and the bench with appellate jurisdiction had five judges, three appointed by the UN Secretary General. “This is the UN standard,” Shrestha said.AG Shrestha said his office had completed draft laws and had sent them to the concerned bodies.

When asked if he had removed provisions relating to crimes against humanity as reported in the media, Shrestha said there would be no amnesty for serious crime, but as far as crime against humanity was concerned, it had been phrased differently in Nepali laws. “Let’s not forget that countries have their own definition of certain crimes,” he said, adding that some countries had abolished death penalty and some had not.
