Earthquake In Jiri

Less than three weeks after Nepal’s first deadly earthquake, a second major earthquake has killed more than 40 people and injured more than 1,000 in the country’s eastern region near Mount
Everest.The Nepalese have felt many aftershocks, but this most recent earthquake (with a magnitude of 7.3) has sent many people into nearby fields, fearful to stay in their homes. Buildings weakened by the first earthquake on April 25–which had a magnitude of 7.8 and killed more than 8,000 people–have now fallen.Marty Shaw, Vice President of International Ministries, is currently returning back to the United States after visiting Nepal. He and his team have assessed how WorldVenture will be involved in helping the country after this tragedy.“People are fearful to go back into buildings,” said

Marty. “When we were in Kathmandu, there were less people living in tents, but there is still a lot of fear. It’s overwhelming; the emotional toll on Christians [and others] is pretty strong.”In a similar manner as WorldVenture helped the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan, WorldVenture will assist Nepal in three stages: relief, rehabilitation, and redevelopment
