AAP Minister Sandeep Kumar Allegedly Caught On S@x Tape, Sacked By Arvind Kejriwal

At about 8 pm on Wednesday, a CD was delivered to Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal’s home. Half-an-hour later, he tweeted that he was sacking Sandeep Kumar, the youngest minister in his

cabinet.A nine-minute video on the CD allegedly shows Sandeep Kumar, 34, in what Aam Aadmi Party leaders described as “a compromising position with two women”. It also had 11 photographs.They had been leaked earlier in the evening to some TV channels, which sent a copy to the chief minister for reactions.AAP went into a huddle. A meeting was on at the Chief Minister’s

Flagstaff Road bungalow till late in the night to decide on further action and also who would replace Mr Kumar as minister for Women and Child Development, Language and SC & ST
